Software I use on my Linux system
1 1. base
1.1 i3wm or gaps ( backup ~/.config/i3/)
1.2 polybar
1.3 xcape (for mod key as spacebar) - disable before you install other system! - ~/.xprofile
1.4 ranger (backup ~/.config/ranger/
1.5 buku (backup ~/.local/share/buku/)
1.6 st (luke smith version)
1.7 rofi (backup ~/,
1.8 greenclip - clipboard manager for rofi
1.9 keypassxc (backup !notimp whereever it is)
1.10 Emacs (backup ~/.emacs and ~/.emacs.d/)
1.11 tmux
2 2. work stuff
2.1 vivaldi, firefox, brave, etc.
2.2 filezilla (backup ~/.config/filezilla/)
3 3. other
3.1 rtv (backup ~/.config/rtv/)
3.2 zathura
3.3 ffmpeg
3.4 popcorn time
4 3. gaming
4.1 wine
4.2 wine-staging
4.3 winetricks
4.4 lutris
4.5 steam
5 6. Graphics stuff
5.1 Inkscape
5.2 Gimp
5.3 Gcolor 2 (colorpicker)
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