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A short story about Fred, the gamer…

This is a very short story about Fred, the gamer.

Fred is a young gamer, in his early 20s, while not rich, he has plenty of money to buy games he desires. He is especially fond of first person shooter games. One of his first was Half Life 2, which he got with Orange Box. It was amazing. Fred convinced his parents to buy OB, and register a Steam account? Nobody knew what was Steam back then. Everything just started…

Later Fred got every game on Steam, he liked. Gaming become a habit for him.

He especially likes the Metro series. He read the books, he played the games multiple times, and he has all the Steam achievements you can get. He is a Fan, with a capital F.

So when E3 came in 2017, and they announced the sequel - Metro: Exodus - he went crazy happy. Couldn't shut up about it at work for a week. Or it maybe it was two weeks?

Later he watched all the trailers and weapon videos multiple times, despite he woved to stay spoiler free until the launch.

Then 2 weeks before the arrival, the publisher of the Metro games, announced that Metro Exodus will be an Epic Game Store exclusive. Many people didn't like that, they protested and boycott the game, at least for a year.

Fred was torned. He loved the Metro games and novels, but he wanted to support Steam. He made the decision, cons and pros, to stay with Steam and wait for a year to the sequel. He went so far to unfollow Twitch and Youtube people, so he wouldn't get spoiled in any way. And he joined the boycott on social media.

## Almost a year later…

Almost one year went by counting the days for the Steam launch. Fred played some nice game that year, but he wished his beloved Metro game would be on Steam. It was almost a week to launch on Steam…

Then it happened. One day, during launchbreak, Fred went out to get a hotdog from his favorite place. For some reason he crossed the road hurried, and he just saw the car from the corner of his eyes…

Fred had a hard night, between dreaming and being awake. He just couldn't think anything else just Metro Exodus. His last thoughts was literally about the game, he wanted to play and dreamed about it for a whole year.

Unfortunately the doctors did everything they could, but Fred still died…

He could have died happy, or not being distracted by the thoughts on that day, only if he just could install one more launcher…

/Don't waste your time on small things that don't mean anything. Enjoy the day that you live now! You'll never know what will happen a month later, a year later. If you can't enjoy a game now, because you need to install one more program (beside Uplay, Bethesda Launcher,, Origin and Steam), then I don't know what to say to you…/

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